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Smile you’re on Camera! 🙂

Smile you’re on camera!

Let’s Do It, Let’s Fall in Love with Cosmetic Dentistry! Everyone’s doing it!!
It’s not just for celebs…

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry improves the appearance and aesthetics of your smile!

It includes: teeth whitening, dental bonding, veneers, tooth contouring, gum contouring, repairing chipped and cracked teeth, aligning small gaps or spaces in-between teeth, restoring misaligned and misshaped teeth.

What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry?
What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry improves the appearance and aesthetics of your smile!

It includes: teeth whitening, dental bonding, veneers, tooth contouring, gum contouring, repairing chipped and cracked teeth, aligning small gaps or spaces in-between teeth, restoring misaligned and misshaped teeth.

What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry?

  • Brighten dull and stained teeth
  • Enhancing your appearance
  • Optimises your oral health
  • Boosting self-confidence
  • To achieve balance and symmetry to your smile

However, if like me you do want to see a sneak peek at a few celebs who have opted for cosmetic dentistry, Tom Cruise is you man! Alongside Cheryl Cole for the ladies.
These procedures have not only enhanced their Hollywood smiles but also got them on the red carpet! Check out the before and after shots!

How to Get the Perfect Smile:
A Brief Comprehensive Guide to Cosmetic Dentistry

Having a beautiful smile is something that many people strive for and thanks to cosmetic dentistry, achieving the perfect smile is easier than ever. Let’s look into your options:

Teeth Whitening is a cosmetic treatment which involves bleaching your teeth to make them whiter. Your teeth can lose their whiteness with age but can also become stained by smoking and drinking lots of tea, coffee, orange juice or red wine.

When you have your teeth whitened professionally you will be able to choose the shade you want – so if you don’t want that Hollywood blindingly white smile then you don’t have to go all out!

Veneers are a thin moulding, custom-made from porcelain, which is usually bonded to the front teeth’s surfaces. Veneers are an effective treatment to disguise chips, broken teeth, gaps and spaces, misshaped teeth and even stains.

If you want to achieve an enviable smile with dazzling results, then opting for veneers can be the way to go.

Dental Implants are generally an option for when a tooth is lost to injury or disease. They are surgically inserted into your jawbone where they serve as the root of the missing tooth. They are made out of titanium and encourage the bone to heal around the implant, however, this can take many months.

Invisalign treatment allows you to transform your smile discreetly and comfortably with virtually-invisible, removable braces. Invisalign aligners are completely transparent and custom made to gradually straighten your teeth without using any metal wires or brackets. Your aligners can discreetly correct several different orthodontic issues to give you a balanced, even smile in as little as three months.

Dental Bonding is a cosmetic procedure that uses a tooth-coloured composite resin material to enhance your smile. This procedure is used to repair chips, close down gaps or change the shape and colour of a tooth. The process itself involves applying the resin directly onto the surface of the tooth and then hardening it with a special light.

Up next is a piece on the Tooth Fairy…